The Federation is run by a Board of Trustees consisting of up to 15 members, of whom 12 are elected and up to three can be co-opted. They are responsible for the Federation’s overall control, management and leadership.

The Trustees are a link between the NFWI and the individual WIs within the Federation and must ensure that they follow Charity Law and Charity Commission guidelines.

Responsibilities include:-

  • setting the Federation’s budget and overseeing its finances;
  • attending board and sub-committee meetings;
  • issuing an annual report and accounts; and
  • organising events and activities for members.

Every two years the Chairman invites the Trustees and each WI in the Federation to nominate members to be Trustees. If 12 or fewer nominations are received they are automatically appointed; if more than 12 are nominated an election will be held. The Trustees, who are all volunteers, appoint four officers from amongst their number: Chairman, two Vice-Chairmen and the Federation Treasurer. The Board of Trustees are then able to make co-options to the Board, but the number of co-opted members must not exceed one third of the Board or a maximum of 3.  The Board meets once a month, some meetings taking place in the daytime and others being in the evenings, some meetings being in person whilst others are on Zoom to save members travelling long distances. In addition, every Trustee must be a member of at least one sub-committee.

The Federation holds two Council Meetings a year, in the Spring and Autumn, to which each WI is entitled to send a Delegate to vote on their behalf – Delegates are entitled to a free ticket.  Other members are welcome to attend the meetings as Observers, for which there is a charge. The meetings, which last all day, start with Federation business and information for the members, with reports on the financial state of the Federation and news from the various sub-committees. There is always a main speaker in the afternoon, with other speakers or entertainment in the morning to make the day enjoyable for members. There are several displays for members to look at and stalls selling a wide variety of items so that members can indulge in some retail therapy before the meeting starts and during the lunch break.

The Board of Trustees is always looking for new members, so if you are interested, please contact the Office. You may ask to be invited to observe a Trustees’ meeting and you should attend at least two meetings as an observer before you are asked if you are interested in becoming a Board member.

Contact us

If you would like to contact one of our Board Members please do so using the email address below.

01845 522415

Upcoming events

We run a full and varied programme of events for our members, check our What's On section for details of upcoming events in your area.

Find out What’s On